Friday, March 18, 2011

slightly amusing and yet depressing.

WOW GUYS!!! I am seriously so, so sorry. Not like you missed me or anything (dramatic sigh) but still… what has it been? 2-3 months? I'm so depressed about that i can't be bothered to even look… D':

Sound of motion is just a dud… seriously it went nowhere and everybody quit… then i was left out in the gutter while it rained with nothing but my bass guitar for comfort. Sound familiar? I hope not because i just made it up then… it didn' really happen!!!

No… no band anymore.. I mean.. GUYS WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?!? WE HAD SONGS!.. almost… hehe awwww well!

Actually The world of music has been gracious to me as of late. I -in a month or two- will be joining a band called 'These Thorns My Crown' (TTMC) because their bassist is going to America for a couple of months… and now i have to learn all the songs… some are kinda tricky :D And what else didn't i mention?….

..oh right! they're all guys that are anywhere from 5+ years older than me.. so uh…WOO GIRL POWER!! haha that sounds really weird but yeah…

..I'm.. addicted… to… these… dots!!!

…have i ever mentioned that i like clouds? A lot? Really, really, really, really like clouds? In fact, dare i say, love clouds?…. well i have now!

I could say the epically long speech that i usually drag on about when i explain why i like clouds. but i'm not going to. I' going to just leave it at that….:D

Hehe so thanks for readin guys! If i can think of anything else I'll letcha all know!

From your ManiAcacia!

(…see what i did there ;) )

(P.S! listen to TTMC.. cause they're really good!
Listen at…


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