Saturday, August 7, 2010


I have told some skulleh fans that i would post my picture up here so....yup dats it! someone called me tom percival in disguise and i went..'hehe i wish.'...and i can't think ofanything else to say so im going to stop now! and as i didn't show you guys yesterday with the awesomeness band jumps i shall post some pictures!


  1. Woah! That is reeeeeeally good...! Do U do art activities? I try drawing Skulduggery. I'm definitely better than my friend at it. My friend thinks she draws SP characters well but they turn out looking like absolute crap...

  2. ok i decided to make ur day so....i am gonna say that that that drawing is awsome and that i like the way u drew the coat but u could have improved the .... :/ theres nothing to improve exept for the fact that u missed out that weird bow on his hat that changes evrytime!! :D
    IM a follower!

  3. i could have… actually on that picture there is no bow so wuh?...

  4. Wow, Acacia! Really outdid urself there. Was it freehand, copied or traced? The first two are always better but if its the third then still, thats better than for ur really long comment, i completely agree. cos i hate scapegrace.

  5. That's pimpin' right there. I'm a good drawer but not NEARLY as good as that. I'm looking at the same picture now drawn by tom percival and not a single detail was missed. That's something that definately can't be done by tracing. (Trust me, I know) And where'd you get all these followers!? My blog is not even CLOSE to that good.
